Castwell & Co.

Participants Agreement


Castwell & Co. is a collection of creative individuals working together to provide our community with opportunities for connection, inspiration, and development through the performing arts.


When building each show, all Castwell & Co. performer, crew, and support team assignments and instructions are designed with the abilities and comfort of the individual participants in mind. Please communicate any personal boundaries you may have with regards to your participation in this current show with your Director or Team Leader. Castwell & Co. is a judgment-free environment. Personal boundaries of our participants will be respected and any disclosures of this nature will be held in trust.

  1. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with what is being required of you during a scene, song, or section of the show, please speak up.

  2. If at any point your abilities or boundaries change (temporarily or permanently), please speak up.

  3. If any non-consensual behaviour is having a negative impact on you during rehearsals, prep sessions, or performance, please speak up.


Castwell & Co. operates primarily within a collaborative team environment. We recognize that from time to time there will be interpersonal struggles within our community and we believe that addressing and resolving these issues with a framework of respect and empathy is the best pathway forward for health and success. If at any point during the current production season a participant of Castwell & Co. experiences conflict with another Castwell participant either within or outside of preparation/performance hours.

  1. If it is a personal, non-show related matter, please do your best to resolve the situation privately. That said, you are not alone. Please lean on a trusted colleague or friend for support when needed.

  2. If it is a show-related matter that you require support to resolve, please speak to your Director or Team Leader or another Castwell representative who you feel comfortable confiding in.

  3. If it is a matter involving your Director or Team Leader that you require support to resolve, please speak to any representative of the Castwell Board of Trustees who you feel comfortable confiding in.

Please note that harassing behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated and failure to correct this type of behaviour when it is first addressed may result in disciplinary action up to and including removal from this current show.


All cast and crew members are expected to commit to and attend scheduled rehearsals and/or prep sessions. If you are not able to attend a rehearsal or session you have been scheduled for, it is your duty to communicate your absence with your Director or Team Leader so you can be excused and any necessary adjustments can be made. If unexplained absences are happening regularly, action may need to be taken to ensure the show is secure. Please communicate regularly with your Director or Team Leader.


If you are feeling unwell, please communicate with your Director or Team Leader and plan to stay home from scheduled rehearsals and/or prep sessions until your symptoms improve and your energy returns. Strong protective health measures are in place during production season to ensure your illness is as brief and uncomplicated as possible, and to protect your teammates from becoming sick as well.


Be advised that as a participant member of this Castwell & Co production, you will be working as a part of a team alongside individuals from diverse backgrounds, with diverse identities and with a wide range of abilities.

  1. Please respect one another’s identity (name, pronouns, etc.).

  2. Please respect one another’s boundaries (see ‘consent’ above).

  3. Please respect one another’s privacy (personal contact, communication, social media, etc.).

  4. Please respect one another’s commitment to this production (show up prepared & ready to put in the work).

  5. Save the drama for the stage and don’t be a dick.

I, __________________________________, hereby agree to respect and abide by all Castwell & Co. policies, terms, and conditions as outlined above from the time of signature, throughout this current production season, until the final performance of this show is concluded and the venue is cleared.

By signing this form, I, __________________________________, recognize that failure to respect and abide by the policies, terms, and conditions as outlined above may result in disciplinary action up to and including my removal from this current production and could limit my opportunities for working with Castwell & Co. again in the future.